Northern Kenya: Ewaso Nyiro Camel Caravan 2019

This year’s camel caravan in northern Kenya aimed at raising awareness of the importance of conserving the Ewaso Nyiro river basin concluded at Archer’s Post in Samburu county on Friday.
Some 200 people in two groups spent last week trekking on foot and camelback in Laikipia, Samburu and Isiolo countries through which the Ewaso Nyiro flows.
Water levels in the river – the only one serving the arid north of the country – are said to be declining.
John Ole Tingoi from the Indigenous Movement for Peace Advancement and Conflict Transformation told the Kenya’s Standard newspaper.
“There are many human activities along the river by different communities from the counties that depend on [it].
“We are engaging them in forums through the journey to encourage them to conserve the river.”
The Ewaso Nyiro serves six counties with 3.6 million people depending on it for all their needs, including livestock, and it’s fed by nearly 40 streams flowing down from Mount Kenya and the Aberdare Range.
“We are seeking to encourage dialogue between pastoralists and farmers for equitable sharing of the water,” Tingoi added.
Other organizations involved in the caravan include Kenya’s Water Resources Authority and the local governments of the three counties.
USAID, Family Health International 360, Isiolo Peace Link and PfR partners Cordaid and the Merti Integrated Development Programme were also involved in the annual event, now in its fifth year.
This theme for 2019 was given as “Saving the Ewaso Nyiro ecosystem through sustainable management of natural resources, enhanced livelihoods and peaceful coexistence”.
Part of the 2019 camel caravan is waved off at Biliqo, Isiolo county last week. (Photo: @Kabelojunior5 via Twitter)