
Capturing the reality

The Climate Centre generates original content across several media to explain and promote its objectives of addressing the humanitarian impacts of climate change, linking science, policy and practice: as well as expert reports and web news, we have a range of photogalleries dating back more than a decade, as well as videos and acclaimed work by our in-house artist, Rebeka Ryvola.

A series of podcasts hosted by Roop Singh ran for three years from June 2020. We have also commissioned cartoonists to take part in and illustrate many international events.

All of this material is available for download under Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International.

Key links


The Climate Centre has been generating its own photo archive since 2013; we also deploy and promote stills photography made available to the world by the IFRC and the ICRC via their huge databases, linked from the box above (register to download on the links above), and by National Societies, usually via their social media platforms.

We encourage all our team members to capture whatever work they are engaged in, and our experienced professional photographer is Denis Onyodi, who is based in the Ugandan capital, Kampala.

An example of his work is here, from the ground-breaking 2015 humanitarian action triggered by a forecast of flood risk in Kapelebyong sub-county, Uganda, when the Red Cross distributed 5,000 preparedness items to communities procured under forecast-based financing, with the support of the German government and Red Cross. It was the historic start of what we now call anticipatory action.

Climate action journey rollout

Climate action journey rollout

A March 2024 gallery shows the formal rolling out at a workshop in Naivasha, Kenya (pictured) of the full seven-stage climate action journey that was successfully trialled by the National Societies of Malawi, Nigeria and Pakistan. It was  attended by representatives of 20 African National Societies, as well as IFRC secretariat and Climate Centre specialists.

View the album


Our in-house artist Rebeka Ryvola has been designing covers, illustrations and conference banners with a climate and resilience theme for a wide variety of Red Cross Red Crescent components, including the ICRC (gallery).

She painted a room-sized mural for the American Red Cross for global heat action day as an ode to environmental and climate justice (see below).

Digital versions of Rebeka’s art are available for download and non-commercial reproduction under Creative Commons from the Flickr galley; you can also buy prints from her website linked on the button below.


Working with the team at, we are designing and delivering cartoonathons in both face-to-face and fully virtual modalities (gallery)

Humour strips away illusions that support the status quo. It helps bridge the gap between what is and what could be.
The argument is simple: by overlooking reality, people and organizations often fail to anticipate and address risks, and humour helps to dissolve denial.


Cyclone Idai from the air

In 2016 the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre was the first Red Cross component to use a drone camera to illustrate a humanitarian issue in Africa: namely the scale of the South Sudanese refugee crisis that the Red Cross in Uganda was facing in the north of the country. Later, in 2019, our camera operator and drone pilot Denis Onyodi went to Mozambique just ahead of Cyclone Idai landfall to cover the impacts and Red Cross operation there, including from the air.


Humanitarian drone video
Cyclone Idai from the air

Our showcases

We have a large range of video productions, in many different styles, grouped into showcases centred on anticipatory action, urban heat, young people, drone, and more.

But we are especially proud of this minor miracle of coordination and editing: a dance class inspired by the science of climate impacts, or specifically the 2022 report from Working Group II of the IPCC on impacts and adaptation. The conclusion: we need to re-energize humanitarian work in a changing climate

Browse the showcases