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Policy coherence between social protection and climate action: Initial findings from global studies and projects
This brief outlines the shared objectives of social protection and climate action, and explores howincluding social protection in climate planning and acknowledging climate risks in social protection at the national level can provide a significant boost to the management of climate risk.
The Physical Science of Climate Change: Seven key humanitarian insights from the latest IPCC report
Resilience solutions: exploring social protection linkages to forecast-based financing
Small and simple actions to address climate change
Climate change and the Red Cross and Red Crescent
The Red Cross Red Crescent recognizes that climate change is a ‘threat multiplier’ in the 21st century and fighting it is a long-term effort. Governments must educate and raise the awareness of their people, who need to know the effects of climate change on their lives and act on[...]
Forecast-based action
Red Cross Red Crescent reference centres
Linking seasonal forecasts with disaster preparedness in the Pacific
Environment and climate change: The impact of climate change on human mobility
A guide to mainstreaming disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation
How to engage with National Adaptation Plans: Guidance for National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Public awareness and public education for disaster risk reduction: key messages
Community early warning systems: guiding principles
Early warning is one of many important tools that contribute to the prevention of disasters and preparedness for hazards and threats. It greatly enhances disaster risk reduction. A well-prepared National Society will understand and promote the role of people-centred early-warning[...]
Annual Report 2023
Our multimedia report is here. Hard copy PDF will follow later this year.
Annual Report 2022
Read the multimedia version of our 2022 annual report here.
Annual Report 2021
The three C’s: Covid, climate, conflict. Read our multimedia report here.
Annual Report 2020
A pivotal year. You can find the multimedia version of the report here.
Annual Report 2019
The year of ambition. Find our multimedia report here.
Annual Report 2018
A year of progress for forecast-based financing. Find our multimedia report here.
Annual Report 2017
Another year of extremes. Find our multimedia report here.
Annual Report 2016
Addressing climate risk in a year of hunger. Find our multimedia report here.
The Climate Guide
The Climate Guide details five years experience from staff and volunteers working in more than 30 Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies to address climate impacts. It begins with the basics: the scientific consensus about climate, humanitarian consequences, and implications fo[...]
National Adaptation Planning: Why should the Red Cross and Red Crescent engage?
Opportunities and barriers to the access and use of climate information for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Uganda and Kenya
The added value of Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies in the development of National Adaptation Plans
Resilience building through indigenous knowledge and scientific information
Integrated risk management and the Philippine Red Cross
Integrating climate with vulnerability and capacity assessment in Vanuatu
Understanding ocean acidification and what we can do about it
Changing tools in a changing climate: experiences from the Philippines
The five Netherlands Partners for Resilience agencies are working to adapt traditional participatory tools for community risk assessment to a changing climate. These assessments play a key role in understanding vulnerability, and include people’s capacities in a way that that helps i[...]
Hope in a harsh landscape
Integrating climate change into Red Cross Red Crescent programmes: From global commitments to local action
The 2006–11 Preparedness for Climate Change Programme, initiated by the Climate Centre and implemented with the IFRC, assisted 64 National Societies as they took first steps toward addressing the humanitarian consequences of climate change. This study features some of the many a[...]
Preparing for climate change: PfCC 2006–11
The second phase of the Climate Centre’s programme to help National Societies address the humanitarian impacts of climate change and variability concluded in June 2011, with disaster managers worldwide reporting climate-related risks were increasingly included in planning and program[...]
Spotlight on China: The convergence of DRR and CCA in practice
On 27-28 July 2010, representatives from the Red Cross Red Crescent and the Chinese government met, for the first time, as a group. What was unusual about this meeting was the convergence of government departments including those responsible for agriculture, health, climate change, a[...]
Spearheading the climate action journey in Malawi
The importance of scaling up locally led adaptation
Expert workshop report: responding to climate impacts
On Monday 22 February 2021, the Climate Centre convened a workshop on responding to climate impacts with over 45 participants from developing and developed countries. The outcomes from that workshop are summarized in this report and will feed into the Climate and Development Minister[...]
Key messages from Partners for Resilience: World Urban Forum 2018
Understanding the compound riskof heat, humidity and air pollutionon human health: A scoping review
Climate funds and social protection: What is the progress to date?
Social protection for climate-induced loss and damage: Priority areas for increasing capacity and investment in developing countries
Policy coherence between social protection and climate action: Initial findings from global studies and projects
This brief outlines the shared objectives of social protection and climate action, and explores howincluding social protection in climate planning and acknowledging climate risks in social protection at the national level can provide a significant boost to the management of climate risk.
Social protection for extreme temperatures: Experiences from the UK, the US and France (briefing paper)
To understand how social protection can help tackle some of the impacts of these risks, we conductedan analysis of how they address people’s vulnerabilities when exposed to cold waves in three high-income contexts: New York, London and Paris in France. Findings could help inform poli[...]
Social protection for extreme temperatures: Experiences from the UK, the US and France (short case studies)
To understand how social protection can help tackle some of the impacts of these risks, we conductedan analysis of how they address people’s vulnerabilities when exposed to cold waves in three high-income contexts: New York, London and Paris in France. Findings could help inform poli[...]
Climate change, intersecting disasters and social protection: How the Covid-19 experience can prepare us for the future
Linking forecast-based financing and social protection: Why should National Societies care?
Resilience solutions: exploring social protection linkages to forecast-based financing
Applied Earth observations for the disaster management sector
20 October 2021 Earth observations can support crucial humanitarian activities such as disaster management and disaster risk assessment. This knowledge product explores examples of how Earth observations have been used within the disastermanagement and disaster risk reduction cont[...]
Dialogue for decision-making: Unpacking the City Learning Lab approach
Managing the risk of extreme events in a changing climate: Trends and oppotunities in the disaster-related funding landscape
Loss and damage in a changing climate: Games for learning and dialogue that link HFA and UNFCCC
Minimum standards for local climate-smart disaster risk reduction: Informing the development of the post-2015 HFA
Introducing humanitarians and environmentalists to decision-science insights and applications
Turning climate science into animations: A lesson in teamwork from the Pacific
Ready! Lessons in the design of humanitarian games
Beyond the film: Innovations in the participatory use of film at international conferences on climate
How can film assist communication between stakeholders? This working paper argues for a “diversity of problem-solving approaches” as climate change unfolds. Film, a powerful medium, can kindle emotions and evoke changes of mind and behaviour; it offers promising way of eliciting posi[...]
Can games help people manage the climate risks they face?
Games with an underlying serious purpose can speed up learning, dialogue and action on climate risks, engaging people’s minds and emotions, in sharp contrast to unidirectional learning through traditional lectures and PowerPoint presentations. Learn how with this working paper, the f[...]