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Debating climate adaptation: many questions, a few clues

April 18, 2013
The Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre last week took part in an online debate, […]

Humanitarian needs increasing in Horn and Sahel, says UK’s Chatham House think tank

April 15, 2013
Environmental and demographic changes coupled with low levels of political inclusion and high instability mean […]

Young Mozambicans practise ‘forward-looking decision-making’

April 11, 2013
Last Saturday, a group of 25 young people in Maputo became planners for a morning […]

Mediterranean youth photo-contest on ‘environment and climate change’

March 28, 2013
The Red Cross Red Crescent Centre for Cooperation in the Mediterranean (CCM) today (Thursday) launches […]

Kenya Red Cross tackles urban climate-risk – in all its forms

March 19, 2013
Water shortages, disease, crime, rising food prices, house fires, uncontrolled urbanization (migration from rural areas): […]

Netherlands Partners for Resilience: ‘giving communities a voice’

March 12, 2013
(This is an abridged verson of an article that appeared on Contrary to popular […]

Playing at road safety…in a changing climate

March 7, 2013
The 2012 prize for best master's thesis in humanitarian logistics has been awarded by the […]

‘Climate change adaptation’: it’s not just money

March 5, 2013
(A full version of this article ran in last month’s Islands Business magazine.) The recent […]

Climate Centre runs games for decision-making at American Association for the Advancement of Science

February 28, 2013
US-based Climate Centre team members last week attended the 2013 annual meeting of the American […]

Climate change ‘driving poverty and conflict’, UN Security Council told

February 21, 2013
The United Nations Security Council held an informal session last Friday, convened by Pakistan and […]

Early Warning, Early Action – poster-size guide for the Pacific

February 12, 2013
The Climate Centre and the IFRC’s Fiji-based regional office have put together a new, one-stop-shop […]

New IFRC early-warning guidance stresses ‘timescales’

February 7, 2013
Detailed new IFRC guidance for National Society staff and volunteers stresses the importance of following […]

The 2012 ‘Understanding Risk Forum’ – now relive it online

February 1, 2013
A full multimedia gallery of content, including video, generated by last July’s Understanding Risk Forum […]

‘Cloud Nasara’ animations will communicate climate in the Pacific

January 28, 2013
The Cloud Nasara project to produce two animated short-films illustrating climate issues in the Pacific […]

Public awareness and public education for disaster risk reduction: key messages

January 22, 2013
Harmonized messaging is a key goal in disaster reduction awareness, and is particularly important when […]

Community early warning systems: guiding principles

January 22, 2013
Early warning is one of many important tools that contribute to the prevention of disasters […]

Red Cross helps Sri Lanka’s children ‘plant a tree to save the planet’

January 20, 2013
The president of the Sri Lanka Red Cross Society (SLRCS), Jagath Abeysinghe, has presided over […]

Is the global heatwave danger increasing?

January 17, 2013
Measurements from around the world suggest monthly temperature extremes have become much more frequent, according […]

Climate Centre highlights ocean acidification…and what can be done about it

January 14, 2013
Carbon dioxide doesn’t just stay in the atmosphere and warm the planet: about one third […]

Australia’s heatwave ‘every bit as severe as forecast’

January 9, 2013
The Australian Bureau of Meteorology today said the current heatwave will continue for the next […]

IRI-IFRC upgrade online ‘map room’ tool for global rainfall forecasts

January 3, 2013
The International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) has launched a new version of […]

International competition for climate-related ‘sound art’ opens to entrants

January 1, 2013
The Climate Centre has joined Argentina’s Tres de Febrero University in opening a competition for […]

2012: a Year of Games

December 20, 2012
Two-thousand-and-twelve was not just a great Olympic year! It was also the year in which […]

COP18 blog: climate negotiations and a counsel of despair

December 18, 2012
“I ask all of us here, if not us, then who? If not now, then […]

UK report: science can blunt impact of future disasters

December 16, 2012
A new report for the UK government aimed at helping policy-makers reduce the risks of […]

New IFRC partnership with Japan includes climate adaptation

December 14, 2012
A new agreement between the IFRC and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) could deliver […]

Understanding ocean acidification and what we can do about it

December 12, 2012
Carbon dioxide does not just stay in the atmosphere and warm the planet. About one third […]

UN climate talks close as Typhoon Bopha sounds a warning from South-East Asia

December 7, 2012
The latest round of UNFCC climate talks, COP18, drew to a close in Qatar only a […]

South-East Europe climate networks finalize national advocacy strategies

December 6, 2012
Members of the South-East European Forum on Climate Change Adaptation have been finalizing “national advocacy […]

‘Climate-smart’ preparedness by Red Cross saves lives in the Philippines

December 5, 2012
Some 200 people are now reported to have died after Typhoon Bopha struck the Philippine […]

Incisive dialogue, innovative learning at COP18 anniversary ‘Development & Climate Days’

December 2, 2012
With the latest round of UN climate talks now into their second week in the […]

Future risk: how games can improve decision-making in a complex and dangerous world

November 30, 2012
By the Climate Centre Scientists and philosophers have long speculated on the role of games […]

Netherlands ‘Partners for Resilience’ present new vision

November 20, 2012
By the Climate Centre The five Netherlands Partners for Resilience agencies last week launched a […]

Health risk management in a changing climate – a pioneering project

November 20, 2012
A ground-breaking Red Cross Red Crescent project, supported by The Rockefeller Foundation, to build operational […]

Climate Centre launches ‘minimum standards’ for climate-smart DRR at Yogyakarta meeting

November 20, 2012
With climate change increasing the risk of extreme weather and disasters worldwide, national climate-adaptation plans […]

Can games help people manage the climate risks they face?

November 6, 2012
Games with an underlying serious purpose can speed up learning, dialogue and action on climate […]

South East European Forum on Climate Change Adaptation Newsletter Issue no. 5

October 30, 2012
The South East European Forum on Climate Change Adaptation has published her 5th newsletter issue. The […]

Changing tools in a changing climate: experiences from the Philippines

October 26, 2012
The five Netherlands Partners for Resilience agencies are working to adapt traditional participatory tools for community […]

Risk perception and disaster risk reduction actions

October 16, 2012
Another one of our junior researchers, Selina Maenzanise, finished her research last summer. After winning […]

Participatory GIS Project research

October 11, 2012
This past summer one of the Climate Centre’s Junior Researchers, Laura Canevari Luzardo conducted her master’s […]

Reporting on recent research

October 4, 2012
Two of the Climate Centre’s junior researchers from King’s College London this summer were located in East Africa […]

Saving Lives Changing Minds

October 2, 2012
Recently, the 30th edition of the Pacific newsletter Saving Lives Changing Minds was published. This issue […]

The Climate & Gender Game

August 14, 2012
The Climate & Gender Game While there is growing consensus as to the differential impacts […]

Climate Centre awarded the Netherlands Climate Medal

July 2, 2012
On 29 June 2012, Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands presented the Netherlands Climate Medal (for […]

Climate Centre turns ten

June 28, 2012
Message on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Climate Centre Today, 28 June […]

4th issue Newsletter SEE Forum

June 27, 2012
In this issue, there is a special report on the foundation day of the regional […]

Hope in a harsh landscape

April 24, 2012
In 2011 and 2012, the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) was intensifying its drive to […]

Newsletter Issue 22

April 24, 2012
IPCC Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Weather Events (SREX) Kenya Red Cross […]

Climate-smart disaster risk reduction for the 21st century

April 13, 2012
The Pledge Project  2008-11 – Colombia, Ethiopia, Indonesia The Netherlands Pledge Project was born in 2007. […]

SEE Climate Forum Newsletter

April 10, 2012
The South East European Forum on Climate Change has published the third issue of its SEE Climate Forum […]

Climate change: farmers and forecasts

April 10, 2012
Unpredictable rainfall in parts of Côte d’Ivoire cost some farmers over half of their harvest […]

Full IPCC SREX report released

March 29, 2012
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) yesterday released the full Special Report on Managing the […]

Climate Change: A three-degree warmer world by 2050?

March 28, 2012
The apocalyptic vision presented on cinema screens of a world devoid of food (Hunger Games) […]

Research for better policies to support women’s adaptation to climate change

March 23, 2012
A growing literature reveals how climate change affects women first and worst, and respond to […]

IRIN news: HORN OF AFRICA: Drought warning prompts call for early action

March 1, 2012
KIGALI, 29 February 2012 (IRIN) – Drought is likely to return to Somalia and other […]

Graduate Student Research Opportunity in Climate Risk Management

February 29, 2012
Through a new call of proposals, the Climate Centre, START and UNISDR are seeking to […]

Smart weather data can make a difference

February 27, 2012
“When should we plant?” is a question increasingly being asked by small farmers in sub-Saharan […]

Radio Australia interview on Bangladesh and climate change

February 17, 2012
Gaurav Ray, an Australian RC funded IFRC DM delegate in Bangladesh for the past couple […]

Analysis: Coping with climate change

January 27, 2012
In the past five years, “resilience” (the ability to absorb shocks and recover) has become […]

Integrating climate change into RC/RC programmes: from global commitments to local action

January 24, 2012
At the 30th International Conference of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement a series of […]

B-Roll footage of the typhoon that has hit The Philippines

January 20, 2012
Content is made up of GVs and Interviews. Go here to watch.

Newsletter Issue 21

December 20, 2011
New Climate Centre team members Departure of program officer Lisette Braman Launch of the Summary for […]

Red Cross/ Red Crescent Head expresses alarm over outcome COP 17 climate change negotiations

December 13, 2011
Failure to reach a binding agreement to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions at this week’s […]

Integrating climate change into Red Cross Red Crescent programmes: From global commitments to local action

November 25, 2011
The 2006–11 Preparedness for Climate Change Programme, initiated by the Climate Centre and implemented with the […]

Summary for Policy Makers of the new Special Report on Extremes (SREX)

November 18, 2011
The IPCC has released the Summary for Policy Makers of the new Special Report on […]

Red Cross Red Crescent Movement Committed to Strengthening Climate Change Adaptation

November 16, 2011
In light of the latest report summary from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), […]

Climate Change: How to spot a dodgy study

November 15, 2011
This has been an eventful year for natural calamities – drought in the Horn of […]

The Pacific Monthly-September Issue

November 1, 2011
Here is a good example of RC youth volunteers creating a rangers programme to address climate change […]

Uganda Red Cross strengthens disaster risk reduction interventions

October 11, 2011
The Uganda Red Cross Society on September 30, 2011 handed over a disaster risk reduction […]

Climate Change: Take Action Now!

October 10, 2011
Climate Change: Take Action Now! A guide to supporting the local actions of children and […]

New interactive user’s guide for climate and development planning

October 7, 2011
A new, interactive users’ guide to tools for climate and development planning has just been […]

Proceedings of the Third Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction and World Reconstruction Conference

September 30, 2011
The Proceedings of the Third Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction and […]

Newsletter Issue 20

September 29, 2011
Contributing to the Great Green Wall Initiative Africa  Preparedness for Climate Change Programme successfully wrapped […]

CBA5 24-31 March 2011 Proceedings

September 28, 2011
Last March, IIED and BCAS organised the Fifth International Conference on Community Based Adaptation (CBA5) […]

FAQ on the integration of climate variability and change into RC/RC work at community level

September 25, 2011
There are a lot of questions around climate change, climate change adaptation, and how to […]

IFRC EW/EA Guidelines

August 2, 2011
Please download here Early Warning -> Early Action: A Regional Guideline for Effective Engagement in […]

Public awareness and public education for disaster risk reduction: a guide

July 1, 2011
  This guide is designed to help National Societies to plan and develop public awareness […]

Climate Information Crucial to Help Reduce Risk and Limit Disaster Damage

July 1, 2011
Forecasts can play an invaluable role when used properly in helping humanitarian agencies and governments […]

Landmark Documentary, Hot Cities

June 17, 2011
This eight-part series, which premiered on BBC World News, explores the impact of climate change […]

Preparing for climate change: PfCC 2006–11

June 1, 2011
The second phase of the Climate Centre’s programme to help National Societies address the humanitarian […]

Climaction: Building alliances of the essence to address the risks of climate change

May 26, 2011
Recently CLIMACTION’s focal point Mr Asadul Haque Pomiee and his team contacted with Islamic Foundation […]

Newsletter Issue 19

May 19, 2011
FAQ Climate Risk Management Partners for Resilience  Experts Workshop on Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation for […]

New Partners for Resilience leaflet

May 6, 2011
Newly developed Partners for Resilience leaflet setting out the background, aims and unique character of […]

Climate change: Take action now!

May 1, 2011
A guide to supporting the local actions of children and young people, with special emphasis […]

Health risk management in a changing climate

March 29, 2011
An operational research on dengue fever prevention in Vietnam. Download the leaflet here

Putting vulnerable people at the center of communication for adaptation

February 4, 2011
The 2010 World Resources Report (product of a 20-year partnership among UNEP, UNDP, the World […]

Killer year caps deadly decade – reducing disaster impact is “critical” says top UN disaster official

January 25, 2011
Geneva – Some 373 natural disasters killed over 296,800 people in 2010, affecting nearly 208 […]

Preparing for storms – protecting the islands

January 19, 2011
Living from the land and ocean requires keen observation of nature and changes in weather […]

Newsletter Issue 18

December 22, 2010
COP16 marked progress, but a lot needs to be done to prevent the climate catastrophe […]

Spotlight on China: The convergence of DRR and CCA in practice

December 21, 2010
On 27-28 July 2010, representatives from the Red Cross Red Crescent and the Chinese government […]

Outcomes in Cancun, COP 16

December 13, 2010
IFRC: Cancun, 11 December 2010 International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in […]

Reuters on Climate Centre’s games

December 9, 2010
After facilitating two game-based climate change sessions by Climate Centre staff members yesterday at the UN Climate […]

Welcome to Kibera

December 8, 2010
As part of its communication work in support of the World Disasters Report 2010 — […]

Climate Change youth update from RC/RC youth at COP 16

December 6, 2010
Climate change youth update from Red Crescent and Red Cross Youth from COP16 Young volunteers […]

2010 in the top three warmest years, 2001-2010 warmest 10-year period

December 3, 2010
Cancun/Geneva (WMO). The year 2010 is almost certain to rank in the top 3 warmest […]

UNFCCC negotiations in Cancun, Mexico: COP 16

November 29, 2010
The UN Climate conference COP 16 in Cancun (Mexico) that began on 29 November, will […]

Disaster preparedness tools: Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (VCA)

November 23, 2010
Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (VCA) uses various participatory tools to gauge people’s exposure to and […]

Newsletter Issue 17

September 10, 2010
Current La Nina brings increased risks of floods, droughts and tropical cyclones Review of the […]