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A year of firsts: 2015 in review

December 23, 2015
(This is the Climate Centre’s review of highlights of 2015 – a historic year of […]

Paris climate deal was the start of something, not the end

December 23, 2015
To the campaigners who for years lobbied for a global deal on climate, to the […]

COP 21: just a big game?

December 17, 2015
(This story appeared first last month on the website of the Institute of Development Studies; […]

EU to help countries affected by El Niño with 125m euros for emergency response and resilience

December 14, 2015
The European Union has announced it’s contributing €125m to finance emergency response in countries affected […]

Red Cross Red Crescent welcomes Paris climate agreement, urges focus on ‘most exposed, at risk, vulnerable’

December 12, 2015
(This story is an IFRC press release issued this evening shortly after the historic climate agreement […]

UK floods: the big clean-up begins as climate scientists say probability of extreme rainfall higher with warming

December 11, 2015
(This article appeared first yesterday on the Climate Central website; it has been slightly edited […]

Can artists help humanitarian thinking ‘take flight’? (Yes)

December 10, 2015
(This web story is an abridged version of a longer piece that first appeared on […]

UK minister links floods in north-west of England to climate change

December 9, 2015
The British Red Cross (BRC) this week launched a major operation in the north-west English […]

‘Stars aligned’ for strong, concerted action on climate, UN chief says

December 6, 2015
The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon – summing up the first week of the COP […]

‘Bold action’ on climate needed now, D&C Days participants in Paris told

December 6, 2015
(This blog on the first day of Development and Climate Days in Paris also appears […]

Development and Climate Days underway in Paris alongside pivotal COP 21 climate talks

December 5, 2015
The 13th Development & Climate Days (D&C Days) weekend workshop alongside annual UN climate talks got […]

Vanuatu pre-positions relief with as many as six cyclones anticipated in next few months

December 4, 2015
(This story appeared first on the news site of Nine months have passed since […]

Netherlands signs new partnership with civil society to help disaster-prone regions

December 2, 2015
(This is a joint press release issued simultaneously this morning in the Netherlands and at COP […]

Releasing disaster funds before crises would transform humanitarian response, says WFP-IFRC joint statement

December 2, 2015
(This story is a joint statement by the IFRC and the World Food Programme, issued […]

IFRC: More support for communities facing climate change must be in COP 21 agreement

November 30, 2015
(This story was first published earlier today as a press release on As climate […]

Helping Sri Lankan farmers become climate smart in a changing world

November 19, 2015
(This story appeared first earlier this week on the IFRC news site. It has been edited […]

‘Humanitarian history’ made as Uganda Red Cross launches forecast-based financing for real

November 15, 2015
In a ground-breaking humanitarian action triggered by a scientific forecast of flood risk, the Uganda […]

Climate-smart development ‘can keep more than 100m people out of poverty’

November 9, 2015
(This story appeared first as a press release by the World Bank yesterday.) Climate change […]

US ‘BAMS’ attribution studies focus on heat and climate signal

November 6, 2015
(This story appeared first yesterday on the website of Climate Central, convenor of the World […]

Building community resilience bridges humanitarian and development goals

November 2, 2015
(This opinion piece appeared first on the IFRC news site last week.) We are increasingly seeing debates […]

Climate change and the Red Cross and Red Crescent

November 1, 2015
The Red Cross Red Crescent recognizes that climate change is a ‘threat multiplier’ in the […]

In the Pacific, Vanuatu battles El Niño impacts

October 27, 2015
(This story appeared first last week on the IFRC news site. It has been edited […]

National adaptation planning for communities in Kenya and Malawi

October 23, 2015
An IFRC programme to help National Societies engage with National Adaptation Plans (NAP) reached Kenya […]

Climate negotiators gear up for war of words at Bonn talks

October 19, 2015
“It does not inspire,” Prakash Javadekar, India’s minister for environment, forests and climate change, said […]

WFP: El Niño challenge to Ethiopia ‘incredibly serious’

October 15, 2015
(This is a press release issued by the UN-OCHA Ethiopia Humanitarian Country Team on 13 […]

NL resilience partners mark International Day for Disaster Reduction

October 14, 2015
(These stories first appeared yesterday on the Cordaid and Wetlands International websites. They are edited […]

Weather and climate information to aid resilience in Vanuatu

October 12, 2015
The small Vanuatu village of Epau now has its own draft action plan for climate […]

NL government to Partners for Resilience: ‘We want to continue’

October 8, 2015
“We want to continue with you, we want to learn from you, we can also […]

‘Engage, negotiate, cajole,’ Abbas Gullet tells resilience conference in The Hague

October 7, 2015
The Secretary General of the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS), Abbas Gullet, who is in […]

How to protect against future shocks: ‘#pfrconference’ underway in NL

October 5, 2015
A major international conference on resilience taking a 360-degree look at both lessons learned over […]

Red Cross Red Crescent worldwide will help deliver on new global goals

September 29, 2015
The IFRC in a press release yesterday strongly welcomed the adoption at a special UN summit […]

Charting the future of development: Historic global summit starts in New York

September 25, 2015
A three-day summit to adopt an ambitious new sustainable development agenda for humanity post-2015 was […]

Turn flood of climate information into useable stream, experts say

September 18, 2015
For a city planner looking to make a new building flood-proof, or a farmer interested […]

Linking games and ‘geoinformation’ to navigate growing complexity and address rising risk

September 15, 2015
Communities and humanitarian and development workers are facing rapidly changing risks from unplanned urbanization, environmental […]

‘The 3As’: A framework to track resilience to climate extremes and disasters

September 11, 2015
Resilience generally denotes the ability of social systems to function and flourish despite disturbances.  In […]

IFRC monitors worsening El Niño-related drought in Papua New Guinea

September 7, 2015
The IFRC this weekend issued a new information bulletin on the severe El Niño affecting […]

When the weather forecast is wrong, don’t shoot the messenger

September 2, 2015
(This article first appeared last week as a guest blog on the website of the […]

UN: El Niño threatens humanitarian gains in Somalia

August 27, 2015
(This story was first posted on the website of the Nairobi-based Somalia Water and Land […]

El Niño forecast to approach record strength

August 21, 2015
“Yet further strengthening” over the next few months of the current already-strong El Niño is […]

Floods and mudslides trigger renewed concern over glacier-melt hazard across Central Asia

August 18, 2015
Floods and mudslides in several Central Asian countries last month renewed fears that melting glaciers […]

More rainfall-extremes could be new norm for Asia if latest IPCC climate predictions borne out

August 14, 2015
Parts of Asia have been “inundated by floodwaters and ravaged by landslides” as heavy rains […]

Spotlight on Malawi floods at NASA ‘DEVELOP’ meeting on applied science

August 13, 2015
The International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) – an IFRC science and forecasting […]

Forecast-based action

August 12, 2015
This report was produced in collaboration with Reading University and with support from the UK […]

Climate and health: just how vulnerable is Bangladesh?

August 10, 2015
A new World Bank study using “uniquely rich data” that combines information on health, social […]

BRACED newsletter flags report for G7 on ‘ultimate threat-multiplier’: climate change

August 3, 2015
The first newsletter produced by the knowledge-management component of the “BRACED” climate-resilience programme – supported […]

‘Le climat change! Et vous?’ Climate-related workshop in West Africa

July 29, 2015
The Climate Centre last month provided technical input at an IFRC workshop in Togo on […]

Managing the risk of extreme events in a changing climate: Trends and oppotunities in the disaster-related funding landscape

July 27, 2015
Policy-makers must determine how best to invest disaster-related funds, given an understanding of global distribution […]

‘The rains are different now’: Demonstrating climate services for farmers in Tanzania

July 27, 2015
“The rains are different now. Twenty years ago we could plan for harvests. We knew […]

July–September El Niño now all but certain

July 23, 2015
The chances of the current El Niño continuing through the northern-hemisphere autumn are now 99 per […]

International report: Climate markers continue to show global-warming trend

July 20, 2015
This story was first published on 16 July on the website of the US National […]

Loss and damage in a changing climate: Games for learning and dialogue that link HFA and UNFCCC

July 18, 2015
This paper examines the role of games in improving communication and spurring learning, and improving […]

Minimum standards for local climate-smart disaster risk reduction: Informing the development of the post-2015 HFA

July 18, 2015
This paper presents the Minimum Standards for local climate-smart disaster risk reduction and details how they can […]

Focus on forecast-based financing at first ‘dialogue platform’ for German climate action plan

July 17, 2015
The first twice-yearly dialogue platform supported by the German Federal Foreign Office – gathering meteorologists, […]

From the American Civil War to Nepal 2015, the Movement’s tradition of innovation

July 15, 2015
This month saw the release of The Red Cross and Red Crescent’s Principled Approach to Innovation […]

Climate change is ‘defining challenge’ of the century, #CFCC15 concludes

July 13, 2015
Friday’s closing statement from the four-day international scientific conference at UNESCO headquarters in Paris describes […]

Heatwaves on Argentine Red Cross radar as it prepares for a changing climate

July 11, 2015
The Argentine Red Cross (ARC) and the Climate Centre last week took part in the […]

Science ‘could go further’ to support climate resilience, #CFCC15 told

July 8, 2015
Climate science provides an essential ingredient in work on resilience, but with tighter focus on […]

‘Climate change and disasters are everyone’s business’

July 7, 2015
The IFRC’s Pacific Regional Office has distributed the outcome report from a wide-ranging Red Cross […]

IFRC science partners: European heatwave exacerbated by climate change

July 3, 2015
It’s “virtually certain” that climate change increased the likelihood of the heatwave now affecting Europe, […]

IFRC and World Bank’s GFDRR partnership want ‘universal political commitment’ to resilience

June 30, 2015
The International Federation and the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) – a […]

Heatwave is death sentence for Karachi’s poor

June 30, 2015
This story (edited slightly here for length) was first published by IRIN last week, as the Sindh […]

IRI: El Niño intensifies again, and it’s more likely to persist

June 25, 2015
The International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) at Columbia University’s Earth Institute has […]

‘Higher gear’ on road to Paris climate agreement

June 18, 2015
Plans for a new universal climate agreement will “step into a higher gear over the […]

Red Cross Red Crescent to help leverage new global partnership for climate resilience, White House announces

June 9, 2015
The US government today announced Climate Services for Resilient Development, a new international public-private partnership […]

Netherlands government backs concept of humanitarian ‘forecast-based financing’

June 9, 2015
The Netherlands government has said it supports the groundbreaking concept of forecast-based financing, intended to […]

The climate context for India’s deadly heatwave

June 9, 2015
(This article first appeared on Climate Central’s website on 3 June. It has been edited […]

Women often the ‘designers and builders’ ofcommunity resilience, EDD15 panel in Brussels hears

June 5, 2015
More than 5,000 decision-makers and specialists gathered in Brussels this week for Europe’s leading forum […]

Global development partners launch climate anddisaster resilience initiative for Sub-Saharan Africa

June 3, 2015
(Joint press release issued yesterday by the World Bank, African Development Bank, and World Meteorological […]

IFRC features in major new climate report from United Nations Association-UK

June 2, 2015
The United Nations Association-UK (UNA-UK) yesterday released a major report, Climate 2020, on the new global framework due […]

IRI monthly briefing: El Niño intensifies

May 29, 2015
El Niño – the phenomenon of warmer-than-average sea-surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific – recently […]

Fruits of East Africa PfR ‘writeshop’ will appear as a book

May 22, 2015
An intensive participatory workshop in Nairobi earlier this month documented five years’ implementation and learning […]

Lessons by Partners for Resilience: moving from output to impact

May 21, 2015
With the outcome targets established at the start of the programme broadly achieved, the Partners […]

Plan International and Climate Centre game session a hit in Bangkok

May 19, 2015
We know the climate is changing and future generations will bear the brunt. The “weirding” […]

Philippine Red Cross: Make preparedness a way of life

May 18, 2015
(This story was first published last week on the IRIN humanitarian news and analysis website. […]

IFRC reference centres ‘help solve new problems in a rapidly changing world’

May 13, 2015
The IFRC secretariat yesterday released a new guide to its specialist reference centres, of which […]

Red Cross Red Crescent reference centres

May 12, 2015
This IFRC publication provides a new overview of Red Cross Red Crescent reference centres, of […]

Linking seasonal forecasts with disaster preparedness in the Pacific

May 12, 2015
The Australian Bureau of Meteorology and the IFRC have developed a new ‘Seasonal Rainfall Watch’ […]

Global adaptation conference in Nairobi ends with call to world leaders

May 1, 2015
The 9th International Conference on Community-Based Adaptation (CBA9) ended in Nairobi yesterday with a call […]

Study: Global flood-risk can be contained by intensifying adaptation

April 22, 2015
Vulnerability to river-flood danger around the world is declining, according to a study in the […]

A Pacific first: understanding climate risk through games

April 20, 2015
In a first for the Pacific, community-focused teams from ten Pacific island nations have come […]

The Economist on disaster: ‘forewarned is forearmed’

April 14, 2015
A detailed news briefing on volcanic eruptions and their climate impacts in the current issue […]

Programme managers from Ethiopia, Germany, SA pool experience in new handbook on climate adaptation

April 13, 2015
A new handbook book has been compiled by programme managers from Ethiopia, Germany and South Africa […]

‘Paying for predictions’ at Tacloban media workshop on climate

April 1, 2015
The Philippine Climate Change Commission (CCC), jointly with the United Nations Development Programme and the […]

Forecast-based financing key to early disaster-response

March 27, 2015
(This blog post was first published by the ICRC regional delegation in Delhi on 24 March 2015.) […]

WMO: Thousands of lives saved by better forecasting, early warning and readiness

March 24, 2015
Thousands of lives have been saved around the world over the past year alone by […]

New 15-year global framework recognizes climate change as a driver of disaster risk

March 19, 2015
The new global framework for policy and programming on disaster risk reduction (DRR) “outlines clear targets and […]

At Sendai, IFRC announces ‘One Billion Coalition for Resilience’

March 16, 2015
IFRC President Tadateru Konoe yesterday presented the International Federation’s voluntary commitment toward post-2015 disaster risk […]

‘Let’s square up to the task’: Princess Margriet of the Netherlands speaks to UN conference on disaster risk

March 15, 2015
(Full text of today's speech by HRH Princess Margriet of the Netherlands at the opening […]

Lethal Pacific storm marks start of Sendai disaster conference, as IFRC and UN call for ‘unprecedented cooperation’ on climate

March 14, 2015
The opening over the weekend of the UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) […]

‘Long-anticipated’ El Niño officially here, but expected to stay weak without major influence on weather

March 9, 2015
US scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) say the technical threshold for […]

Losses from river floods to worsen significantly by 2030, says new global ‘risk analyzer’

March 5, 2015
River flooding will “affect more people and cause significantly more damage by 2030” because of […]

Introducing humanitarians and environmentalists to decision-science insights and applications

March 2, 2015
An increasing number of scientific disciplines focus on understanding how and why people make decisions and […]

Germany continues ‘paradigm shift’ in preparedness with drive for new forecast-based financing trials

February 25, 2015
Germany's Federal Foreign Office and the German Red Cross (GRC) this week distributed a six-point action plan for […]

Weather and climate warnings ‘do little’ to protect farmers and vulnerable people in developing world

February 20, 2015
(This story first appeared on last Friday 13 February.) Warnings of extreme weather and climate threats […]

UNICEF and Climate Centre address health risks in Ghana through serious play

February 17, 2015
Some 12,000 Ghanaian children die each year from diseases that could be prevented by hand-washing […]

Better use of climate information could bolster African development, says new report

February 13, 2015
Better use of climate information could help promote development in sub-Saharan Africa, according to a […]

IFRC humanitarian cash for Albania after ‘worst floods since 1971’

February 9, 2015
The IFRC is releasing more than a quarter of a million US dollars in emergency […]

As Davos meeting closes, climate ‘warning shots’ from Africa and Pacific

January 29, 2015
When global figures gathered in the Swiss resort of Davos last week for the annual […]

WEF report: Extreme weather second only to conflict as ‘likely’ source of global risk

January 21, 2015
The annual World Economic Forum (WEF) begins in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, today, and among the featured […]