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‘Strongest storm this year’ slams into Philippines as the latest to undergo rapid intensification

September 26, 2022
By the Climate Centre The Philippine Red Cross over the weekend mobilized at least 2,000 […]

Red Cross Red Crescent calls for more action on early warning and anticipation at high-level events alongside UNGA

September 22, 2022
By the Climate Centre   The UN says its initiative to ensure that all humanity […]

Opinion: Mega-disasters and ‘weather whiplash’ add to qualitative shift in big picture facing UNGA high-level week

September 20, 2022
By Maarten van Aalst, New York The international humanitarian community is facing a crisis that […]

Study: Climate change probably intensified monsoon rain behind new Pakistan superflood

September 15, 2022
By the Climate Centre A new study from the World Weather Attribution group of international […]

United in Science report: Huge gap between aspirations and reality on climate

September 13, 2022
By the Climate Centre This year’s United in Science report highlights “a huge gap between […]

WMO: ‘Water stress, withering drought and devastating floods’ hit Africa’s people and ecosystems

September 8, 2022
By the Climate Centre The World Meteorological Organization’s State of the Climate in Africa report, […]

Blog: Confronting environmental causes of Africa’s food crisis

September 1, 2022
By Alice Ruhweza, WWF Regional Director for Africa, and Mohammed Omer Mukhier-Abuzein, IFRC Regional Director […]

WMO: Third consecutive year of La Niña could intensify Horn of Africa drought

August 31, 2022
By the Climate Centre The current protracted La Niña will probably last to the end […]

‘Earthquake-like destruction’ in Pakistan floods

August 29, 2022
By the IFRC (This story is an IFRC press release issued in Islamabad and Kuala […]

ICRC: Worsening climate-shocks exacerbate food shortages for millions of Kenyans

August 18, 2022
By the ICRC (This story and accompanying video shot last month in Garissa county were […]

A journey with youth for action on water and climate

August 15, 2022
By the Climate Centre The Climate Centre last week joined a Netherlands-supported partnership with the […]

Anticipatory shock-responsive social protection trialled as part of Nigeria flood response

August 12, 2022
By Sayanti Sengupta, Climate Centre, Germany The Nigerian Red Cross in central Kaduna city earlier […]

’Climate breakdown is supercharging toll of extreme weather worldwide’

August 11, 2022
By the Climate Centre The UK’s Guardian newspaper last week published what it says is […]

Strengthening multi-hazard early warning in the Pacific: new research on storms, droughts

August 10, 2022
By Sayanti Sengupta, Climate Centre, Germany New research on early warning and early action for […]

WFP and IFRC join forces to face anticipated climate shocks in the Middle East and North Africa

August 10, 2022
(This story is a joint IFRC-WFP press release issued today in Dubai. It has been […]

Community based Early Warning Early Action in Palau

August 3, 2022
Research study on how communities, and especially the youth, respond to disasters in the island […]

Community based Early Warning Early Action in Tuvalu

August 3, 2022
Research study on how communities respond to disasters in the island to form recommendations on […]

Latin America and the Caribbean 2021: ‘mega-drought, extreme rainfall, heatwaves, glacier melt’

July 27, 2022
By the Climate Centre The World Meteorological Organization’s State of the Climate in Latin America […]

UK heatwave ‘far more intense and widespread’ than comparable events

July 26, 2022
By the Climate Centre (This story is edited from a Met Office press release issued […]

Petersberg climate dialogue held against backdrop of heat and fire emergencies

July 21, 2022
By the Climate Centre The 13th annual Petersberg Climate Dialogue, hosted by Germany jointly with […]

UK sees 40°C for first time in modern era as wildfires ‘rage’ on

July 19, 2022
By the Climate Centre The British Met Office said today that a temperature of 40.2°C […]

Brief: A quarter of DREF funding will eventually be for early action

July 18, 2022
By the Climate Centre Climate change and various hazards unrelated to weather are giving rise […]

IFRC warns intensifying heatwave in Europe could have tragic consequences

July 14, 2022
By the IFRC (This story is an IFRC press release issued earlier today in Budapest.) […]

Western Europe again on high alert for lethal heat and fire

July 12, 2022
National Societies in Western Europe were this week again on the alert for dangerously high […]

Climate change increased heavy Brazil rainfall that was ‘far outside observed records’

July 6, 2022
By the Climate Centre A new study from the World Weather Attribution group of international […]

Central America and Caribbean National Societies react quickly to approaching TS Bonnie

July 5, 2022
By the Climate Centre Tropical Storm Bonnie swept east to west through Central America over […]

Thermo-Interactive Art

July 5, 2022
Visualizing the power of extreme temperatures, and how to get ready Heatwaves, like art, can […]

‘The climate emergency, pandemics, the housing crisis, violence and conflict, all converge in cities’

July 4, 2022
By the Climate Centre The World Urban Forum (WUF11) ended in the Polish city of […]

Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre marks 20th birthday

June 28, 2022
By Maarten van Aalst, Climate Centre Director, The Hague The Climate Centre is twenty years […]

Humanitarian Affairs Segment: ‘Scale of today’s mega-crises requires a new approach’

June 23, 2022
By the Climate Centre The 2022 UN ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment (HAS) in New York […]

Council of Delegates resolves to scale up anticipatory action

June 22, 2022
By the Climate Centre The Council of the Delegates in Geneva today resolved to scale […]

REAP: Most crisis funding remains unplanned with ‘very small amounts’ going to early action

June 22, 2022
By the Climate Centre The Risk-informed Early Action Partnership (REAP) Monday released a report on […]

Annual Report 2021

June 22, 2022
The three C’s: Covid, climate, conflict. Read our multimedia report here.

Finance for Early Action: Tracking Commitments, Trends, Challenges and Opportunities

June 21, 2022
The report also delivers recommendations for how to initiate the systemic shift towards funding early […]

IFRC calls for ‘bold response’ to climate crisis

June 21, 2022
IFRC Secretary General Jagan Chapagain yesterday paid tribute to volunteers and staff of National Societies […]

Francesco Rocca re-elected IFRC president at ‘unprecedented moment of risk for the world’

June 20, 2022
By the Climate Centre Francesco Rocca was yesterday elected to a second four-year term as […]

IFRC’s first global Heat Action Day coincides with early heatwaves in France, Spain and the US

June 14, 2022
By the Climate Centre The IFRC today launched its first global Heat Action Day as […]

ICRC: Yemen’s ancient honey industry at risk from combination of conflict and climate change

June 13, 2022
By the Climate Centre The ICRC says armed conflict and climate change are threatening the […]

WMO: Stubborn La Niña forecast to persist

June 10, 2022
By the Climate Centre The World Meteorological Organization today put at about 70 per cent […]

Researching resilience to zoonotic and climate-related health threats in Europe

June 10, 2022
By the Climate Centre A new inter-agency research effort, supported by the European Commission’s Horizon […]

 Anticipatory Action in Refugee and IDP Camps: Challenges, Opportunities, and Considerations 

June 7, 2022
 By Evan Easton Calabria, Catalina Jaime and Benjamin Shenouda 

Bonn climate meeting opens as UN food agencies say weather extremes are ‘new normal’ threatening millions more

June 7, 2022
By the Climate Centre The annual Bonn climate change conference began yesterday, the same day […]

Red Cross Red Crescent at Stockholm+50: Environmental crises as humanitarian crises

June 6, 2022
By the Climate Centre A joint statement Friday by hosts Sweden and Kenya at the […]

Angola faces most damaging drought in 40 years

June 2, 2022
By the Climate Centre The three southernmost provinces of Angola are suffering a fifth consecutive […]

IFRC, WWF call for nature-based solutions to alleviate climate crisis and save lives

June 2, 2022
By the Climate Centre A joint report by the IFRC and WWF says nature-based solutions […]

Iraq sees more than one heavy sandstorm a week

June 1, 2022
By the Climate Centre Iraqi Red Crescent volunteers have again been providing health advice and […]

‘Every budget, every program, every private-sector initiative must be risk-informed and resilient’

May 30, 2022
By the Climate Centre The 2022 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction ended on Saturday […]

Finding resilience to city heat in South Asia

May 29, 2022
By the UK Met Office (This story appeared first last week on the Met Office […]

US forecasters predict above-average Atlantic hurricane season – the 7th in a row

May 27, 2022
By the Climate Centre The IFRC Regional Office for the Americas is organizing its regular […]

IPCC co-chair Debra Roberts gets honorary doctorate at NL University of Twente

May 26, 2022
By the Climate Centre The highly respected South African climate scientist, Debra Roberts, who jointly […]

All-time high of nearly 60m IDPs worldwide. The biggest single cause? Extreme weather

May 25, 2022
By the Climate Centre (The Anticipation Hub last week carried a summary of a Climate […]

Niger: multi-million dollar appeal follows early action for food security

May 25, 2022
By the Climate Centre The IFRC has now launched an appeal totalling just over 5 […]

Lethal India and Pakistan heatwave ‘30 times more likely because of climate change’

May 24, 2022
By the Climate Centre The long-running early heatwave in India and Pakistan “would have been […]

Climate and anticipatory action among nine focuses at humanitarian partnership weeks

May 23, 2022
By the Climate Centre The 2022 Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week ended on Friday, held […]

Blog – Science for Humanitarian Emergencies and Resilience: looking back (and forwards)

May 23, 2022
By Dorothy Heinrich and Fleur Monasso, Climate Centre, Montreal/The Hague It’s time to say goodbye […]

Creativity, agency, urgency in cities: the Rise Africa Action Festival

May 20, 2022
By the Climate Centre The three-day annual Rise Africa Action Festival starts on Monday, with […]

The ‘day-to-day face of climate change’ 2021

May 18, 2022
By the Climate Centre The WMO’s State of the Global Climate 2021 report, released today, […]

G7 ministers commit to ‘as anticipatory a humanitarian system as possible’

May 17, 2022
By the Climate Centre G7 foreign ministers Friday called for a “paradigm shift toward more […]

Climate change intensified rain that led to flood ‘catastrophe of enormous proportions’ in South Africa

May 16, 2022
By the Climate Centre The probability of an event like the rainfall that resulted in […]

IFRC issues new operational framework for anticipatory action

May 10, 2022
By the Climate Centre The IFRC has set itself the goal of allocating a quarter […]

WMO: 50% chance of global temperature increase touching 1.5°C in next five years

May 10, 2022
By the Climate Centre A new climate update issued yesterday by the World Meteorological Organization […]

Want to learn more about climate change? Click here…

April 28, 2022
By the Climate Centre The IFRC this week announced the publication of its new e-learning […]

‘The world needs to do more to incorporate disaster risk in how we live, build and invest’

April 26, 2022
By the Climate Centre The UN’s flagship Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2022 […]

Red Cross ‘right in the middle of the response’ to KwaZulu-Natal floods

April 19, 2022
By the Climate Centre (21 April update: the IFRC has now issued an emergency cash […]

Conflict, climate, displacement, inflation causing largely unnoticed food-security crisis in Africa, says ICRC

April 13, 2022
By the Climate Centre Nearly 350 million Africans – more than a quarter of the […]

Lethal rain and floods from Southern Africa storms made worse by climate change

April 12, 2022
By the Climate Centre Climate change increased the rainfall from back-to-back devastating storms that affected […]

‘A place that used to be alive’: the reality of climate impacts on the world’s coastlines

April 7, 2022
By the Climate Centre Every night the waves eat away at the sand under the […]

‘It’s now or never if we want to limit global warming to 1.5°C’

April 5, 2022
By the Climate Centre The report from the IPCC’s third working group looking at ways […]

IMF: Without adaptation Mideast and Central Asia face crippling losses from climate change

April 5, 2022
By the Climate Centre Climate change is inflicting crippling losses in the Middle East and […]

National Societies, climate action and the environment: an IFRC survey

April 4, 2022
By the Climate Centre IFRC survey results from nearly 70 National Societies show they are […]

Climate science-humanitarian dialogue hears of ‘new era’ in perception of urgency

April 1, 2022
By the Climate Centre The Egyptian and United Kingdom Missions to the United Nations in […]

Early Action: the State of Play 2021, measured by REAP

March 31, 2022
By the Climate Centre A new report from the IFRC-hosted Risk-informed Early Action Partnership aims […]

New EU advisory board on climate change includes Red Cross Red Crescent voice

March 30, 2022
By the Climate Centre The European Environment Agency last week appointed the 15 members of […]

First European humanitarian forum flags ‘dramatic impact of climate change’

March 24, 2022
By the Climate Centre The three-day European Humanitarian Forum, the first event of its kind, […]

UN: In 5 years, everyone on Earth must be protected by early warning for extreme weather, climate change

March 23, 2022
By the Climate Centre An ambitious new UN target unveiled today on World Meteorological Day […]

Nearly half a million Kenyans to be helped in Red Cross drive against mosquito-borne disease

March 23, 2022
By the Climate Centre The IFRC today issued a humanitarian cash grant of just over […]

Climate-related disasters and child protection in South-East Asia

March 18, 2022
By the Climate Centre A joint report by the IFRC Asia Pacific region and the […]

IFRC: 5 million more people in Americas in extreme poverty and exposed to climate and other disasters

March 15, 2022
By the Climate Centre Two years since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, 5 million […]

Argentine Red Cross will help restore wetland ecosystem damaged by wildfires

March 9, 2022
By the Climate Centre More than 10 per cent of the northern Argentine province of […]

Implementing cash transfers through social protection in Nepal

March 7, 2022
By Sajanika Sivanu and Sayanti Sengupta, Climate Centre, Germany,and Alina Karki, Danish Red Cross, Nepal […]

Catastrophic flooding in eastern Australia forces hundreds of thousands to evacuate

March 4, 2022
By the Climate Centre The Australian states of Queensland and New South Wales have this […]

Get Ready!

February 28, 2022
GET READY! A fitness dance class inspired by the science of climate impacts What? A […]

IPCC scientists confirm climate change contributing to humanitarian crises worldwide

February 28, 2022
by the IFRC (This story is an IFRC press release issued in Geneva earlier today.) […]


February 28, 2022
THE SCIENCE OF CLIMATE IMPACTS: Eight humanitarian insights from the latest IPCC report By Erin […]

‘A flashing red light, an alarm for where we are today’

February 28, 2022
By the Climate Centre (The full IPCC report and a special cartoon interpretation are now […]

UN: Climate-related wildfire risk now touches even the Arctic

February 25, 2022
by the Climate Centre Even the Arctic, previously all but immune, now faces a rising […]


February 24, 2022
Design and facilitation of events aiming at learning and dialogue need careful consideration of your […]

Protected: Video Showcase test

February 20, 2022
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

IFRC calls for more investment in local climate action as European and African leaders meet

February 18, 2022
(This story is an IFRC press release issued in Nairobi yesterday.) As parts of Southern […]

Disaster risk reduction in national climate action – a new analysis

February 15, 2022
by the Climate Centre (The new report will be discussed today Tuesday starting 14:00 UTC […]

IPCC report on climate impacts will encompass social and economic science

February 14, 2022
by the Climate Centre The current cycle of assessment of the global climate, the sixth […]

Reflections on half a decade of ‘leveraging science for humanitarian decision-making’

February 13, 2022
by the Climate Centre Five years of work by the Science for Humanitarian Emergencies and […]

Testing anticipatory action for extreme cold in Tajikistan

February 9, 2022
by the Tajikistan Red Crescent (This story appeared first late last month on the Anticipation […]

Blog: How can Covid-related social protection help prepare for climate risks?

February 7, 2022
By Manannan Donoghoe, Oxford University, and the Climate Centre The year 2020 was unprecedented, and […]

Social protection options for climate risk in Nepal

February 7, 2022
by Sajanika Sivanu and Sayanti Sengupta, Climate Centre, Germany The Climate Centre has published a […]

Social protection as an enabler for impact-based forecasting

February 7, 2022
by Sajanika Sivanu and Sayanti Sengupta, Climate Centre, Germany A recent Climate Centre publication offers […]

More than 4 million people reported to be at risk from latest storm to hit Madagascar

February 4, 2022
The IFRC Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) today released a further third of a million […]

National Societies quick off the mark in Southern Africa for Cyclone Ana

February 1, 2022
by the Climate Centre The agility of Red Cross societies and their international partners helped […]

WMO partners relaunch website for predicting dust storms in Europe, Middle East, northern Africa

January 26, 2022
By the Climate Centre A website operated by Spanish partners of the World Meteorological Organization […]