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UK climate assessment maps ‘unprecedented challenge’

January 18, 2022
by the Climate Centre The British government yesterday released the latest in its series of […]

Climate change tops list in Global Risks Report 2022

January 17, 2022
by the Climate Centre Nearly two years after the first Covid-19 cases countries are reporting […]

IFRC Global Plan 2022: ‘Scaling up climate action is an absolute priority’

January 6, 2022
by the Climate Centre The IFRC late last month published its Global Plan 2022, detailing […]

WMO verifies ‘Mediterranean’ temperature that set new Arctic record

January 6, 2022
By the Climate Centre The World Meteorological Organization last month officially recognized a temperature of […]

Remembering the future: first collaboration with Red Cross Red Crescent Museum is a time capsule for the long term

January 4, 2022
by Rebeka Ryvola de Kremer, Climate Centre, Washington, DC The first-ever collaboration between the Red […]

Scaling up social protection in Nepal

January 3, 2022
The objective of the brief is to provide the government and humanitarian and developmentagencies in […]

Social protection as an enabler in scaling up forecast-based financing using impact-based forecasting

January 2, 2022
This paper is the first of a series of outputs and provides a general overview […]

Climate change, intersecting disasters and social protection: How the Covid-19 experience can prepare us for the future

January 1, 2022
This working paper considers the Covid-19 pandemic alongside climate-related disasters and explores the use of […]

Review of the Year 2021

December 24, 2021
by the Climate Centre (A non-exhaustive look back through the eyes of the Climate Centre […]

Climate change and community flood resilience in Tabasco, Mexico

December 16, 2021
by Cale Johnstone, Mexican Red Cross (This blog was originally published last month on the […]

WMO expands guidance on impact-based forecasting as part of inter-disciplinary ‘paradigm shift’

December 9, 2021
by the Climate Centre Arguing that forecasts of what the weather will do – impact-based […]

Factors other than climate change are main drivers of Madagascar food crisis – study

December 3, 2021
By World Weather Attribution (This story is a press release issued to the media yesterday […]

UN: Climate crisis an immediate existential threat to lives and livelihoods

December 2, 2021
By the Climate Centre The United Nations and its partners today launched the Global Humanitarian […]

IFRC report calls for closer attention to the needs of children in climate-related disasters in the Caribbean

December 1, 2021
by the IFRC (This story is an IFRC press release issued in Kingston, Jamaica last […]

Linking forecast-based financing and social protection: Why should National Societies care?

December 1, 2021
This advocacy brief aims to provide National Societies with an overview of how linking forecast-based […]

Blog: Exploring anticipatory action in conflict settings

November 18, 2021
By Tesse de Boer, Climate Centre People from at least 15 different stakeholder agencies last […]

COP 26: Health systems must ‘detect, plan for and adapt to’ climate stresses – Report

November 17, 2021
By Tilly Alcayna, Climate Centre, London A research report by the Climate Centre compiled for […]

COP 26: ‘Climate change risks “runaway” humanitarian crisis and the collapse of the aid system’

November 15, 2021
by Megan Rowling, Thomson Reuters Foundation, Glasgow (This story appeared first last week on the […]

COP 26: ‘More than vague promises are needed to save millions of lives’

November 15, 2021
by the Climate Centre (This joint statement by IFRC President Francesco Rocca and Secretary General […]

D&C Days: Five pathways to adaptation, resilience and action

November 14, 2021
by the Climate Centre (The full key messages from this year’s Development and Climate Days […]

D&C Days: ‘Make prevention exciting so people want to invest in it’

November 11, 2021
by the Climate Centre Development and Climate Days ended alongside COP 26 yesterday with a […]

University of Reading partners with Red Cross Red Crescent ‘to prepare people globally for climate risks’

November 10, 2021
by the University of Reading (This story appeared first yesterday on the news website of […]

COP 26: Red Cross Red Crescent moderates key UK presidency event on loss and damage

November 8, 2021
by the Climate Centre The Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Mottley, today told a COP […]

Record numbers expected at first-ever virtual D&C Days alongside ‘pivotal’ COP 26 meeting

November 8, 2021
By the Climate Centre A record number of people are expected to attend this year’s […]

COP 26: For better warning, UN agencies join forces to fill ‘huge gap’ in LDC observational capacity

November 7, 2021
by the Climate Centre Three UN agencies at COP 26 last week announced the creation […]

COP 26: Tide could still be turned on ‘disproportionate’ climate hazards faced by coastal communities, IFRC report finds

November 5, 2021
by the Climate Centre (A full rundown of Red Cross Red Crescent engagement at COP […]

COP 26: It’s time to pivot from war aid to climate aid – Opinion

November 4, 2021
By Hugo Slim, Oxford (This story appeared first last week on the website of The […]

COP 26: Does adaptation actually reduce risk? New global study probes for answers

November 3, 2021
by the Climate Centre (A full rundown of Red Cross Red Crescent engagement at COP […]

COP 26: Joint statement by UK, IFRC and British Red Cross on local action on climate change

November 2, 2021
(This statement was issued Friday and signed by Mike Adamson, CEO of the British Red […]

COP 26: Lancet Countdown report says climate change could reverse years of progress in public health

November 2, 2021
by the Climate Centre (A full rundown of Red Cross Red Crescent engagement at COP […]

COP 26: The planet is in ‘uncharted territory’

November 1, 2021
by the Climate Centre (A full rundown of Red Cross Red Crescent engagement at COP […]

COP 26: How much climate finance goes to health? – Blog

November 1, 2021
by Devin O’Donnell and Tilly Alcayna, Climate Centre (A full rundown of Red Cross Red […]

COP 26: ‘African voices must be heard’

October 31, 2021
by Dr Asha Mohammed, Secretary General, Kenya Red Cross (This story appeared first on Friday […]

COP 26: IFRC report reveals impact on people forced to flee floods, fires, drought

October 31, 2021
by the IFRC (This story is a press release issued by the IFRC on Thursday. […]

COP 26: ICRC warns of ‘severe effects of converging climate change and conflict’

October 31, 2021
By Robert Mardini, ICRC Director-General (This statement, timed to coincide with the lead-up to COP […]

Yolanda Kakabadse, former Ecuador environment minister, is new chair of Climate Centre board

October 28, 2021
By the Climate Centre Yolanda Kakabadse, a former Ecuadoran environment minister, was yesterday appointed to […]

Publications 2020

October 26, 2021
Journal Articles Aguirre, J., De La Torre Ugarte, D., Bazo, J., Quequezana, P., & Collado, […]

COP 26 Cartoon Gallery

October 25, 2021
WHY CARTOONS FOR CLIMATE RISKS? Fun is FUNctional Humor, like humanitarian work, is about the […]

Sweden will double climate finance by 2025 – minister

October 24, 2021
by the Climate Centre The planet is in a “severe climate crisis” but humanity has […]

Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organizations: 160 signatories’ joint statement for COP 26

October 22, 2021
(The following statement on behalf of the 160 signatories to the charter was first posted […]

Applied Earth observations for the disaster management sector

October 21, 2021
20 October 2021 Earth observations can support crucial humanitarian activities such as disaster management and […]

‘The quickest way to get global funding to local actors’: Donors vow increased support for IFRC’s Disaster Relief Emergency Fund

October 19, 2021
by the Climate Centre Major international donors gathered online yesterday to pledge new or renewed […]

‘Survival of humanity depends on actions today to mitigate climate change and adapt’

October 15, 2021
by the Climate Centre The presidents of the IFRC and ICRC yesterday called on world […]

Geert Jan van Oldenborgh, climate scientist, 1961–2021

October 15, 2021
by the Climate Centre The much-admired “inspirational” Dutch climate scientist Geert Jan van Oldenborgh, an […]

Zambia Red Cross takes reins on forecast-based action

October 14, 2021
by the Climate Centre In Zambia in recent weeks, major components of the Netherlands-funded Response […]

‘Getting real about playing God’: climate engineering in context 2021

October 14, 2021
by the Climate Centre The latest in the series of Climate Engineering in Context conferences […]

ICRC: Combined impacts of conflict and extreme weather in northern Mozambique threaten health

October 11, 2021
by the ICRC (This video and story appeared first on the ICRC website earlier today; […]

Social protection a central global goal for ending poverty and enhancing human capital – Brief

October 11, 2021
by Sajanika Sivanu, Climate Centre, Bonn A new Climate Centre brief reiterates support for the […]

American Red Cross: Climate change a worldwide humanitarian emergency and defining threat of the 21st century

October 4, 2021
By the Climate Centre (Jennifer Pipa’s complete testimony is available on the Senate committee website.) […]

Climate changed them. Will their story change you?

October 4, 2021
By the IFRC (This story is an IFRC press release issued from Geneva today. It […]

September 30, 2021
Development & Climate Days 2021 Development and Climate Days 2021 will take place on 9 […]

ICRC: Climate change turns Mali’s Lake Faguibine into desert and forces people to move

September 29, 2021
by the ICRC (This story, video, including drone aerials, and still photos were released by […]

‘Food provides life, health, hope’

September 24, 2021
by the Climate Centre The first-ever UN Food Systems Summit was held online yesterday to […]

UNSG calls for sense of urgency over the ‘dire state of the climate process’ ahead of COP 26

September 21, 2021
By the Climate Centre As the high-level week of the General Assembly got underway in […]

IFRC: 140 million people hit by twin crises of climate and Covid

September 16, 2021
by the IFRC (This story is an IFRC press release issued in New York and […]

Frequent extreme heat poses ‘unprecedented challenges to human health and how we live’

September 15, 2021
by the Climate Centre A special study by the BBC published yesterday has concluded that […]

Decisive action on climate could still stem internal migration

September 14, 2021
by the Climate Centre A new report from the World Bank out yesterday describes climate […]

Study: Expanding early action in Dhaka to include heatwave

September 12, 2021
by Sheikh Khairul Rahaman, German Red Cross, Bangladesh (A longer version of this article appeared […]

Climate and migration: what’s the evidence?

September 10, 2021
by the Climate Centre A set of infographics just launched by the UK-based global affairs […]

Climate and conflict: A research agenda

September 10, 2021
Climate disruption affects – and will increasingly affect – populations across the globe. Increasing climate […]

The young asked to take the lead on climate

September 9, 2021
by the Climate Centre More than 700 young people all over the world registered for […]

Blog: Acting early to protect children in emergencies

September 8, 2021
by Audrey Oettli, IFRC-Child Protection Area of Responsibility Coordinator (A version of this blog first […]

Greenhouse gases, sea levels, oceans, permafrost, Arctic fires, Antarctic melt all broke records in 2020

September 3, 2021
by the Climate Centre (This story is a summary of a NOAA National Centers for […]

WMO: Climate change leads to more extreme weather but early warning saves lives

September 2, 2021
by the Climate Centre Recorded disasters have multiplied by a factor of five over the […]

‘A terrifying glimpse of a world ravaged by unchecked climate change’

September 1, 2021
By the Climate Centre Fifty-five wildfires were still burning late last week in the Russia’s […]

Hurricane Ida winds ‘intensified from 85 to 150mph’ in a day

August 31, 2021
Hurricane Ida, which rapidly intensified off the US Gulf of Mexico coast earlier this week, […]

One million trees to protect vulnerable Gambian communities

August 29, 2021
The Gambia Red Cross Society (GRCS) – together with the government and the National Youth […]

IFRC: As climate-related disasters escalate, humanitarian sector urges investment in preparedness

August 24, 2021
(This story is an IFRC press release issued in Geneva earlier today.) The recent devastating […]


August 17, 2021

IFRC: Wildfires and Covid threaten tens of thousands in Algeria and Tunisia

August 16, 2021
(This story is a press release issued by the IFRC in Algiers, Tunis and Beirut […]

New Climate Centre country briefs on climate, health, livelihoods

August 16, 2021
By the Climate Centre The Climate Centre last week finalized publication of eight country-briefs assessing […]


August 16, 2021


August 16, 2021


August 16, 2021


August 16, 2021


August 16, 2021

South Africa

August 16, 2021


August 16, 2021


August 16, 2021

Somalia: 3 million face starvation and disease, IFRC warns, calling for swift action

August 12, 2021
(This story is an IFRC press release issued in Nairobi and Geneva yesterday. It has […]

Forecast Mediterranean fire danger persists

August 11, 2021
by the Climate Centre “Extreme and very extreme conditions” conducive to wildfires continue to prevail […]

Climate Change Impacts on Health and Livelihoods

August 10, 2021
The introduction to the series of country reports, detailing methodology and steps in the process.

IPCC: Climate change is widespread, rapid, and intensifying

August 9, 2021
by the Climate Centre The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said today that scientists are […]

The Physical Science of Climate Change: Seven key humanitarian insights from the latest IPCC report

August 9, 2021
The IPCC’s findings are clear, rigorous, and very concerning. They are captured in formal, technical […]

IFRC urges more international support for Afghans affected by worsening drought

August 5, 2021
(This story is an IFRC press release issued yesterday in Kabul, Kuala Lumpur and Geneva.) […]

Red Cross Red Crescent volunteers respond to wildfires raging across Europe

August 3, 2021
(This story is an IFRC press release issued in Ankara, Budapest and Geneva yesterday; it […]

British Red Cross briefing on intensifying UK heatwaves

July 30, 2021
by the Climate Centre The UK is getting hotter, says the British Red Cross. As […]
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